
Service Name

Land Demarcation

Land Demarcation

  • Land Demarcation: This service enables the customer to fix the plot boundary and corners on the ground prior commencing construction and obtain approved Land Demarcation Certificate
  • Land Re-Demarcation: This service enables the customer to ensure that plot limits as well as construction works are within the permissible limits during the construction and obtain approved Land Re-Demarcation Certificate
  • Final Land Demarcation: This service enables the customer to ensure that plot limits and existing structures are within the permissible limits and match with the As Built Survey Report, that can be applied on Building Construction Completion and prior issuing the Building Completion Certificate


Requester For Land Demarcation: Plot Owner, Consultant, Contractor
For Land Re-Demarcation and Final Land Demarcation: Contractor
Service Deliverables Land Demarcation Certificate
Service Request Channels Online
Service Hours Online: 24/7
Estimated Time to Deliver 5 Working Days
Service Fees
  • AED 400 per plot

An additional fee of AED 10 as “Knowledge Dirham” and AED 10 as “Innovation Dirham” is applicable per transaction

Required Documents For Land Demarcation:
  • Land Demarcation Request (In case of applying through customer service center)
  • Consultant Appointment Letter from the Owner
For Land Re-demarcation:For Final Land Demarcation:
Notes Site Plan must be valid at the time of submission