
Service Name

Commercial License Renewal

Commercial License Renewal

DescriptionThis service enables the company to renew the license before expiry online to ensure continuity of legal practice.


RequesterGeneral Manager
Service DeliverablesCommercial License
Service Request ChannelsOnline
Service HoursOnline : 24/7
Estimated Time to DeliverImmediate
Service Fees
  • Fees is as per Tariff (refer to LCD)

An additional fee of AED 10 as “Knowledge Dirham” and AED 10 as “Innovation Dirham” is applicable per transaction

Required Documents
  • NOC from external authorities as per the licensed activity(s) according toLicensing Categories Decision (LCD) (if applicable))
  • Certificate of Continuity of Existence or Good Standing or Current Trade Licence in case of Branch of Onshore UAE Company (excluding other UAE Free Zones)- Original or Notarised Copy (if applicable)
NotesProvide Power of Attorney to Individual to subscribe on behalf of the company (if applicable)